<%@ include file='constants.jsp' %> <%@ page language="java" %> PayPal SDK - API Credentials
Use The Default Sandbox API Profile Or Enter Your Own Profile

NOTE: Production code should NEVER expose API credentials in any way! They must be managed securely in your application.

To generate a Sandbox API Certificate, follow these steps: API Certificate

API Username:
(ex: my_account_api1.paypal.com)
API Password: 12345678
Encrypted API Certificate:
PKCS12 (.p12) format
Certificate Private Key Password:
(OpenSSL Export Password)
Environment: <%=testEnv %>

Or enter yourt own profile...
API Credentials: API Signature
API Client-Side SSL Certificate
API Username:
(ex: my_account_api1.paypal.com)
Not your PayPal Email Address!
API Password:
Encrypted API Certificate:
PKCS12 (.p12) format
Certificate Private Key Password:
(OpenSSL Export Password)
Environment: <%=testEnv %>